Thursday, 19 August 2010

Lovely Sophie & Gareth

Just felt I had to share some of the pics from Gareth & Sophie's wedding which was on a hot hot HOT day and was an absolute treat. They had told me they were not photogenic but look at the results!

Monday, 16 August 2010


Yes at last, after years of being firmly out of fashion, soft focus is here again. But this time, it's done with more style and subtlety. In the past, photographers would slap a soft focus filter onto the front of the lens and the effects were ...well, not too subtle. But now, the software program Photoshop has enabled photographers to vastly improve their pictures after the event and the range of effects is huge. (It only takes about ten years to learn, only kidding........six years should do it....) Here are some examples from a wedding I did the other day. I just love the way it adds such depth and atmosphere to the picture. Even a straight forward shot of the church can be made to look magical and ethereal.